

Online Donations
Backup Uganda is proud to be a GlobalGiving Partner. GlobalGiving accepts donations to us from anywhere in the world! All donations are tax-deductible in the US and can be connected to Gift Aid in the UK. Keep an eye on our social media for specific bonus days; for example, your donation may be matched with extra funding!

Set up your monthly donation today and get it matched with 100% of the amount by GlobalGiving! Monthly donations provide us with a strong foundation to make long-term decisions that help our organization create maximum, lasting impact.

Bank Details
If you want to make a direct donation to our bank account, please use the following details:

The Netherlands:
IBAN: NL59 RABO 0307853713
Name Org. : Stichting Backup Uganda

Bank: Absa (Gulu Branch)
A/C: 6005725508
Name Org.: Backup Uganda

To set up a monthly donation via our bank account, please contact us on for guidance.

If you want to know how we handle your personal information once you have made a donation, please check out our privacy page.

Since March 2015, Backup Uganda has been recognized as a Public Benefit Organization (PBO; ANBI in Dutch) in the Netherlands:

“Public Benefit Organisations (PBOs) are offered a number of tax advantages:

  • A PBO does not pay Dutch inheritance tax or gift tax on inheritances or gifts that the institution allocates to the general good.
  • A PBO does not pay Dutch gift tax on gifts that the institution makes for the general good.
  • Natural and legal persons making donations to a PBO may deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax.” (Belastingdienst, 2016) – Donate For Free!
Through you can shop at over 300 well known webshops in the Netherlands (, Zalando, Media Markt, HEMA, but also ticket shops and other online stores) and per purchase, a donation is made to a cause you support: Backup Uganda! This means you shop at the same stores for the same price and you donate without making any extra costs!

How does it work?

  1. Go to
  2. Find the items you want to buy.
  3. Purchase them, and you automatically donate to Backup Uganda at the same time!

It is as simple as that, no need to create an account if you do not want to (but of course, you could if you would like to). If you do use your account, after you are done shopping you will receive an e-mail from that shows your total donation.

Start shopping here!


Backup Uganda now has its very own merchandise, including t-shirts & more! You can check them out in the pictures below.

Are you interested? Fill in the form below to purchase your very own and show your love and support for Backup Uganda.

If you live in Uganda, use this form: Purchase Form Uganda

If you live in the Netherlands, use this form: Purchase Form Netherlands

If you live in the USA, use this form: Purchase Form USA

Do you want to know what personal information we collect & save when you make a donation and how we keep it safe? Check out our privacy page.